
1964 : Creation of RIBER

1968 : Creation of the LAAS-CNRS

1978: Riber develops its first MBE500 frames for research laboratories

1985: The LAAS is equipped with a Riber molecular beam epitaxy frame, the MBE2300

1994 : Le LAAS-CNRS is equipped with a second Riber's frame, the MBE32P

1996: LAAS-CNRS develops the JEMO software, in order to facilitate the use of its equipment. This software will serve as an inspiration to Riber, for the creation is new soft, CRYSTAL CRYSTAL

2011 : After 25 years of research on the MBE2300 and 15 years on the MBE 32, the LAAS-CNRS is equipped with a 3rd complete system the MBE412 + cluster

2012: MBE412 installed at LAAS-CNRS serves as demonstration equipment for Riber's academic customers

2015: Riber offers a new version of its equipment control software CRYSTAL-XE. LAAS-CNRS has been testing since the beta versions before their official releases

2019: The Riber company acquires the license to exploit a patent from LAAS-CNRS, and buys the know-how and associated software of an original tool for real-time monitoring of the curvature of semiconductor wafers during their epitaxy. Riber has been marketing the tool since 2020 under the name EZ-CURVE

Late 2019: LAAS-CNRS and Riber decide to formalize 35 years of collaboration through the creation of the EpiCentre LabCom

2021 : LAAS-CNRS and Riber sign the start of the LabCom EpiCentre