Important material, human and financial means are brought by Riber and LAAS-CNRS, to carry out this joint laboratory. For a period of 6 years the two entities have committed to pooling their skills, to offer the community a new approach to MBE, more controlled, more reliable, more automated.
Work environment
Thus, the premises necessary for research and development within the EPICENTRE laboratory are made available, when necessary, by each of the parties. This means, for Riber, a provision of its know-how, and its premises, for the development and realization of the whole engineering and manufacturing of the equipment. For its part, LAAS-CNRS is setting up, access to its clean room and thus to all the microfabrication technologies that will enable the development of all the tools necessary for the development ofs advanced components for optoelectronic, photovoltaic applications and to elaborate new materials for quantum devices at cryogenic temperature.
Material means
EPICENTRE will be provided with an MBE cluster comprising 2 racks manufactured and equipped by Riber, and installed at LAAS-CNRS:
A Compact 21 DZ frame including the following sources of elements:
- Aluminium
- Gallium
- Indium
- Selenium
- Tellurium
- Arsenic
- Antimonium
- Bismuth
- Silicium
- Carbon
- Hydrogen
- Nitrogen
A cryogenic temperature deposition rack comprising:
- Aluminium
- Lead
- Tin
- Oxygen
These reactors will be equipped with in-situ monitoring tools, developed within the framework of this joint laboratory, which will make it possible to go beyond the state of the art in the field. The research themes developed within EPICENTRE will benefit from these advances, which will make it possible to unlock a number of technological barriers.
Human means
A multidisciplinary team between Riber and LAAS-CNRS has been formed to carry out the program. The Riber team and the 3 technical departments of LAAS-CNRS will jointly work on the development of the LabCom objectives.
Within the LAAS-CNRS, several research projects, led by 2 teams, will continue the work of the joint laboratory to further develop the scientific innovations resulting from this collaboration.
Epicentre will generate the creation of 3 highly qualified jobs.